Num Mundo em que os conflitos são cada vez mais vulgares, onde a desvalorização do ser humano se tornou um hábito, o Dia do Trabalhador é comemorado com luta, protestos, encenações e sofrimento, muitas vezes anestesiado.

A woman affected by tear gas is assisted during a May Day protest against austerity measures, in San Juan, Puerto Rico A man in a Trump outfit poses in front of a group of Seattle Police officers at Westlake Park on May Day in Seattle A demonstrator throws a tear gas during a rally commemorating May Day in Santiago A car burns outside a Renault automobile garage during clashes during the May Day labour union march in Paris Turkish police detain protesters as they attempted to defy a ban and march on Taksim Square to celebrate May Day in Istanbul Greek Communist Party supporters take part in a rally commemorating May Day in Athens A couple dressed in historical military uniforms dances during May Day celebrations in central Moscow People take part in a Labour Day protest to voice dissatisfaction with their government's labour policies, in Taipei Workers participate in a Mayday rally in Jakarta, Indonesia Activists from various labour organizations take part in a torch-lit rally demanding improvements to working conditions, on the eve of International Labour Day or May Day, in Karachi Leftist march in Berlin prior to the May Day protest A protester flashes a V-sign after being detained by the riot police as he and others attempted to defy a ban and march on Taksim Square to celebrate May Day in Istanbul People attend an event to mark International Workers' Day Army soldiers carry flags during the May Day rally in Havana A supporter of the far-right National-Radical Camp (ONR) protests in Warsaw
Manifestante faz um sinal -V- após prisão em Taksim Square, Istanbul, Turquia, 1º de Maio, REUTERS/Murad Sezer